E-business technologies

conference organized by Department for e-business

Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia

15.6. - 17.6.2023.

E-business technologies
Digital business ecosystems
E-business management
Agile e-business project management
Digital marketing and social media
Software engineering for e-business
Software development in the cloud environment
Mobile applications development
Big data and e-business intelligence
Internet of things and smart environments
Artificial intelligence and computer simulation
Special session: Blockchain technologies
Special session: Digital project-based learning


Prof.dr Marijana Despotović-Zrakić
Chief of Department of e-business
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
University of Belgrade

Dear colleagues,

Primary goal of the conference E-business technologies is to establish a kind of platform for strategic networking on national and international level, portray innovations and disseminate knowledge for wide corpus of scientist and experts in the field of digital business ecosystems. The conference E-business technologies gathers leading professors, scientists, researches and experts in practice, well-established IT companies, PhD students in order to share ideas and use cases from practice in area of e-business. The conference aims to establish long term partnerships between researches from University of Belgrade and researchers from other institutions, experts and broader community.

EBT 2023 conference hosts a number of events: keynote lectures, scientific sessions, student workshops, and social events. We cordially invite you to participate, join us at the friendly environment at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, or online.

Chair of program committee
prof.dr Marijana Despotović-Zrakić

E-business Technologies Conference 2023 Proceedings are available in pdf document format and online.


Important dates


Full paper submissions (extended deadline): April 30  May 5

Review results: May 15

Camera-ready paper submission: May 20

Conference dates: June 15-17

  • E-business technologies
  • Digital business ecosystems
  • E-business management
  • Agile e-business project management
  • Digital marketing and social media
  • Software engineering for e-business
  • Software development in the cloud environment
  • Mobile applications development
  • Big data and e-business intelligence
  • Internet of things and smart environments
  • Artificial intelligence and computer simulation
  • Special Session: Digital Project-Based Learning
  • Special Session: Blockchain Technologies

Registration and submissions

For the submission, please follow the link

The full-paper manuscripts should be prepared using the following MS Word Template


This special session covers all aspects of blockchain technologies and their role in modern e-business ecosystems. This special session includes topics such as:

  • blockchain components
  • consensus algorithms
  • smart contracts
  • NFT and metaverse – technologies and applications
  • applications and implementations (e-commerce, supply chain, manufacturing, transport, government, legal, fintech, healthcare, arts, sports, gaming etc.)
  • security and privacy aspects of blockchain
  • education for blockchain

This special session is organized within ACE-W3 Center of excellence, in cooperation with the University of Florida and the University of Belgrade, supported by the Algorand Foundation


This special session calls for research papers on theories, models and experiences in project-based learning, in various domains and levels of study. Besides the presentation of results of the D-PBL project, this special session aims to provide a framework for the exchange of knowledge and experiences related, but not limited to:

  • Theories, models and methods of digital PBL
  • PBL design issues
  • Experiences on digital PBL
  • Teachers’ competencies for PBL
  • Assessment methods for PBL
  • Transformation and impact on student learning and the teacher-student relationship with D-PBL

This special session is organized within Erasmus+ project “D-PBL: advancing project-based learning into the Digital Era”.


As part of the Student blockchain showcase, students who participated in the W3 Algorand Hackathon or other hackathons can present their blockchain projects.

The presentation should contain:

  • Introduction
  • Problem Description
  • BMC with description
  • Description of the ecosystem
  • Presentation of the implemented solution
  • Conclusion

Important dates:

Full presentation submission: May 31
Review results and schedule of the presentation: June 5
Presentation day: June 17


During two online workshops, students will have the opportunity to work with mentors in international teams and learn things they can practically utilize in their future career.

Customer Journey Mapping workshop will introduce you to main concepts of CJM. UI/UX workshop will get you familiar with Figma – modern and interactive web tool for endless interface designing. At the end students will get the chance to get hands-on experience by working in an international team, solving case study.
Important dates:
Application deadline – June 12th noon Belgrade time
CJM workshop – June 12th 6pm Belgrade time
Figma workshop – June 13th 6pm Belgrade time
Final presentation of your solutions – June 17th