About the Journal

This conference proceedings published articles accepted and presented at the conference "E-business technologies". The book of proceedings is published once a year.

All the articles are related with the main conference areas:
- E-business technologies;
- Digital business ecosystems;
- Digital transformation;
- Agile e-business project management;
- Digital marketing and social media;
- E-learning, e-health, e-government;
- Virtual Reality and Metaverse;
- Software engineering for e-business;
- Cloud computing and big data;
- Mobile applications development;
- Artificial intelligence in e-business;
- Internet of things and smart environments;
- Web3 and blockchain.

All articles are freely available on the website. The articles are published in open access, in a Creative Commons Share Alike 4. licence (CC BY-SA 4.0). Authors keep the copyright on their works.

Please format your submission using the MS Word template. To make a submission, please login/register and submit your paper

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): E-business technologies Conferences Proceedings 2023

This issue presents articles published at the  conference "E-business technologies", held in Belgrade, Serbia, June, 15-17, 2023. 

Published: 10-06-2023

Digital business ecosystems

Digital marketing and social media

Digital Project-based learning - special session

Smart environments

Blockchain - special session

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